Admission to Practice
Board of Examiners application cut off dates
The local admission hearings are only applicable to those applying for first admission in South Australia.
Application Cut-Off Date
Board Of Examiners Meeting
Local Admission Hearing in Supreme Court
Monday 13 January 2025
Tuesday 28 January 2025
Monday 17 February 2025
Monday 10 February 2025
Tuesday 24 February 2025
Monday 17 March 2025
Friday 7 March 2025
Tuesday 25 March 2025
Tuesday 22 April 2025
Monday 14 April 2025
Tuesday 29 April 2025
Monday 19 May 2025
Monday 12 May 2025
Tuesday 27 May 2025
Monday 16 June 2025
Friday 6 June 2025
Tuesday 24 June 2025
Monday 21 July 2025
Monday 14 July 2025
Tuesday 29 July 2025
Monday 18 August 2025
Monday 11 August 2025
Tuesday 26 August 2025
Monday 15 September 2025
Monday 15 September 2025
Tuesday 30 September 2025
Monday 20 October 2025
Monday 13 October 2025
Tuesday 28 October 2025
Monday 17 November 2025
Monday 10 November 2025
Tuesday 25 November 2025
Monday 8 December 2025
Applications should be submitted for pre-assessment well before the cut-off date to ensure there is time to rectify any issues with the application.
The Admission Ceremony generally takes place in the week of the nominated hearing date. The Supreme Court will be in contact within 2 weeks after the meeting of the Board of Examiners to advise of the relevant date and time, if you are granted a favourable report by the Board.
Applicable Legislation
Prior to making an application for admission, please ensure that you have read and understood the applicable legislation:
- LPEAC Rules 2018 r4, Part 2 Division 1 r6, r7, r8, r9, Part 5, Part 6 & the LACC Disclosure Guidelines contained within Appendix D.
- The Legal Practitioners Act 1981, Part 3 Division 1.
- Uniform Civil Rules 2020 Chapter 20 Part 7 & Chapter 4, Part 1, Division 2.
- Oaths Act 1936 s33 &s27(A)(3).
- Evidence Act 1929 s6.
Important Information
- If you have completed both your Law Degree and GDLP (Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice)/PLT (Practical Legal Training) interstate, you are not eligible for first admission in South Australia. You will need to be admitted interstate and then apply via Mutual Recognition to be registered to practice in South Australia.
- If you have completed your Law Degree interstate, and your GDLP/PLT in South Australia then you need to first apply to the Board of Examiners for a determination as to whether your law degree satisfies the academic requirements for admission in South Australia.
- If you have overseas qualifications and have not been admitted anywhere in Australia, then you will need to obtain a skills assessment and make an application to the Board of Examiners for direction as to what additional (if any) academic and/or practical and/or English Language requirements must be complied with in order to satisfy the requirements for admission in South Australia. Please see Overseas Applicants for the process.
- If you have completed an integrated degree with Flinders University, you can exhibit your Official Academic Transcript for both the academic and practical requirements. If you have completed a non-integrated degree with Flinders University, then you will need to exhibit your Official Academic Transcript for the academic requirements and the Certificate of Completion from your GDLP/PLT provider for the practical requirements.
- You cannot apply for admission without your GDLP or PLT Completion letter.
- As part of your affidavit, you need to disclose matters that are relevant to your fitness to practice. For information about what you need to address here go to the LACC Disclosure Guidelines for Applicants for Admission to the Legal Profession at Appendix D of the current LPEAC Rules. The Law Society cannot provide advice on disclosures. If you are concerned about any disclosures or require guidance and assistance with documents and/or content, then we would suggest that you contact the Professional Advice Service. Any disclosures made will be kept confidential and seen only by the Board of Examiners and essential Law Society personnel.
Pursuant to the Uniform Civil Rules 2020 r257.2, an application by a person not previously admitted as a lawyer in Australia or New Zealand for admission must be instituted by filing an Originating Application (Form 7A) in accordance with Rule 82.1 in the prescribed form supported by an affidavit (Form 12A) in accordance with rule 82.1(2) in the prescribed form. A single Form 14 Exhibit front sheet must also be used.
Prior to filing the requisite documents, it is recommended that you submit your application for pre-assessment, unwitnessed. We can then work with you to ensure compliance. It is important to note that incorrect documents will not be put before the Board of Examiners.
Once your application is correct, the Society will direct you to file it with Court SA, where you will pay your admission fee. Upon which a copy will be provided to the Society for referral to the Board of Examiners. At this point you will also be required to pay a fee of $27.50 to the Society for public notification of your application for admission, which is advertised on our website.
Where the Board has provided a favourable report, your name will be displayed on our website and the Supreme Court will contact you to confirm the date and time of your admission ceremony. Where you did not receive a favourable report, the Society will contact you within 5 business days after the meeting.