Migration Service Providers

The Law Society maintains a register of South Australian legal practitioners who provide migration services.

For information about practising certificate categories and conditions applying to individual South Australian legal practitioners please click here to access the South Australian Register of Practising Certificates.

For South Australian legal practitioners seeking to be added to the register, please email your request to Ethics & Practice: ethicsandpractice@lawsocietysa.asn.au.

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Ms Courtney Ludewigs 1878 Elix LawyersADELAIDE8231 1433 courtney@1878lawyers.com.au
Mr Paramjit Budwal Budwal LawyersADELAIDE0415 404 544Websiteparamjit@budwallawyers.com.au
Ms Amanda Tsui CCK LawyersADELAIDE8211 7955Websiteatsui@ccklawyers.com
Mr Patrick Quan Corsers LawyersADELAIDE8223 6788Websitepatrick.quan@corsers.net.au
Ms Accacia Verco Corsers LawyersADELAIDE8223 6788Websiteaccacia.verco@corsers.net.au
Ms Karley Thomas Corsers LawyersADELAIDE8223 6788Websitekarley.thomas@corsers.net.au
Ms Nadia Shivarev Corsers LawyersADELAIDE8223 6788Websitenadia.shivarev@corsers.net.au
Miss Debrah Mercurio Dentons Australia LimitedADELAIDE8233 0600 debrah.mercurio@dentons.com
Mr Mitchell Simmons Estrin Saul Lawyers and Migration SpecialistsADELAIDE(08) 9485 0650 mitch@estrinsaul.com.au
Mr Shaun Wyn-Jones Estrin Saul Lawyers and Migration SpecialistsADELAIDE(08) 9485 0650 shaun@estrinsaul.com.au
Ms Abby Hamdan Hamdan LawyersADELAIDE8232 8200 abbyhamdan@hamdanlawyers.com.au
Ms Sophie Vaughan Legal Services CommissionADELAIDE8111 5555 sophie.vaughan@lsc.sa.gov.au
Ms Maria Ho MinterEllisonADELAIDE8233 5555 Maria.Ho@minterellison.com
Mr Daniel Moya Moya Migration LawADELAIDE0451 677 730Websitedaniel@moyamigrationlaw.com.au
Mr Jaskirat Singh MSM LegalADELAIDE8161 5088Websitejs@msmlegal.com.au
Mrs Zainab Al-Sweedy MSM LegalADELAIDE8161 5088Websitezainab@tracklegal.com.au
Ms Catherine Follett MSM LegalADELAIDE8161 5088Websitecf@msmlegal.com.au
Mr Ross McDougall RPM LawyersADELAIDE8528 9187Websiteross@rpmlawyers.com.au
Mr Besmellah Rezaee Beena Rezaee Legal & Migration Pty LtdBLAIR ATHOL8120 2325 rezaee@brlegal.com.au
Mr Ian Tan O'Dea LawyersCLOVELLY PARK0423 633 864 ian@odealawyers.com.au