FORUM 2025 – Call for Presenters
Adelaide Convention Centre – Thursday, 13 and Friday, 14 February 2025

The Law Society's Annual FORUM is South Australia’s premier Legal Profession Conference. The event is run over two days every February and attracts up to 800 attendees every year offering legal practitioner the opportunity to gain 10 CPD points prior to the 31 March deadline. All the CPD sessions are run in dual format allowing registrants the opportunity to attend in person or via webinar.

We are seeking expressions of interest from experienced presenters for 60-minute sessions that will be of interest to practitioners and professionals working in the legal profession for inclusion in the FORUM 2025 program.

Submission Guidelines

When considering your submission the following should be noted:

  • All sessions will be delivered in dual mode (in-person and via live webinar)
  • Forum sessions are a full (maximum of) 60 minutes in duration, inclusive of introductions and questions. All presentations and/or commentary must be a minimum of 50 minutes in duration with the balance of time (where extant) allocated for Q&A. Note that Q&A segments are recommended but not essential. Workshop and panel style submissions will also be considered.
  • Potential presenters are welcome to join together with colleagues and co-present on a particular topic. Where possible, please ensure that the details of all presenters (and any Chairs, as appropriate) are noted in the submission. Papers that have been previously presented as a part of any CPD program will also be considered.
  • Submissions are to be targeted at an intermediate and/or advanced level.
  • The submission of abstract or papers are to be provided with the understanding that no speaker fees will be covered.
  • Each successful presenter will be offered one (1) non-transferable complimentary registration to the entire duration of FORUM 2025.

Submission Checklist

    Suggested session title
    Abstract or detailed description of proposed paper (max 200 words)
    Proposed Presenter/s and Chair (including firm and organisation name)
    Suggested stream of the paper/presentation
    Paper/Presentation level (i.e. Intermediate or Advanced)
Key Dates
  • Call for Presenters Submissions Open - Thursday, 1 August 2024
  • Call for Presenters Submissions Close - Friday, 18 October 2024
  • FORUM 2025 - Thursday, 13 February to Friday, 14 February 2025

Key Contacts

CPD Team
Tel: (08) 8229 0200